martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Country where I want to travel is GRECIA!

Grecia is a country found in Europa in the extreme south of the Balkan Peninsula and on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

I want visit Grecia for many reasons, one because Grecia is the cradle of the Western civilization and of the democracy, philosophy, Olympic game.
I dream visit the polis and the temples, for example the Parthenon the temple of atenea or the temple of Zeus. I love the universal history and my favorite unit in this subject been Greek civilization and Roman civilization.  

Other reasons is because possess beautiful scenery and a wonderful architecture, as a Santorini Island, where the white of the houses and his constructions are reflected in the sea or the Samos island it has beautiful beaches and archaeological sites. 


Santorini Island 
 Samos Island          

I would travel for meet more about the history of Grecia and enjoy of her wonderful scenery,  but no for live  in this country because is a country with many problem economic and politic that the maintain for Grecia in recession. 

See you!  



viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

First term 2012

Hello :)

To be began the second term and for this good I done recount about experiences during the first term:
This first term 2012 been very good in different aspect, family, study and work for example; in family, my sister returned to Santiago later of two years living in Easter island, I  missed much to Daiana she is my older sister and my best friend.  In study was a excellent period, I passed all the subjects with grades on six, my favorite subjects of this first term 2012  went "construction of learning environment", “dance” , "family, school and community" and "practice five" this I did in the school of the foundation "Nuestros hijos"  where I had that do class to children’s hospitalized for his cancer  treatments.  In the work, I found a new job, of packer in the homecenter, the tips are good and has save money for the vacations 2013.
I hope that this second term 2012 will be very good for all.
Affection and good energies!

This is a picture of the practice in the intrahospitalaria school .  

Hi, Welcome to my blog

my name is Stefany I'm twenty two years old, I live in Santiago of Chile. I study education (Preschool and elementary education) and been in the third year, I love my career because is very important in the transformation of the society.
I like dancing cueca in the Galpón Victor Jara and Chilean music in general, also I like the cine and read about history. 
I am very bad for English and need help! 
