Hello :)
To be began the second term and for this
good I done recount about experiences during the first term:
This first term 2012 been very good in
different aspect, family, study and work for example; in family, my sister
returned to Santiago later of two years living in Easter island, I missed much to Daiana she is my older sister
and my best friend. In study was a excellent
period, I passed all the subjects with grades on six, my favorite subjects of
this first term 2012 went
"construction of learning environment", “dance” , "family,
school and community" and "practice five" this I did in the
school of the foundation "Nuestros hijos" where I had that do class to children’s
hospitalized for his cancer treatments. In the work, I found a new job, of packer in
the homecenter, the tips are good and has save money for the vacations 2013.
I hope that this second term 2012 will be
very good for all.
Affection and good energies!
This is a picture of the practice in the intrahospitalaria school .
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