Day to day we see how the environment was
dirtying by the irresponsibility of many people and industries that not care of
the environment and how affect his actions in the planet earth.
Some time ago it has created more conscience of the care of the environment and the naturals resources as for example the water. Today exist more forms and places where to teach as care the enviroment, for example in my practice in kindergartens and schools I have seen as the teachers teach to childrens different forms to care of environment and also to ways of signifying their environment. I have always recycled because my parents from girl teached me to throw trash in the collector or save in pocket until arrive to house.
Some time ago it has created more conscience of the care of the environment and the naturals resources as for example the water. Today exist more forms and places where to teach as care the enviroment, for example in my practice in kindergartens and schools I have seen as the teachers teach to childrens different forms to care of environment and also to ways of signifying their environment. I have always recycled because my parents from girl teached me to throw trash in the collector or save in pocket until arrive to house.
I have always recycled because my parents
from girl teached me to throw trash in the collector or save in pocket until arrive to house. also to
separate the paper of the glass and put the peel of the fruit in the plants as
fertilizer. I have always used public transport since I have no car, but my
mother my was leaving in bike in to the schools and now I use the bike in
generally although I love walk. formally
I not belong to none eco-organizations, but always support the causes as "
Patagonia without dams" or "Save the Arctic", I go to marches
and I signed, but not I have time for join to the organizations because I study
and work.
I think in the santiago missing the
responsability of the government because for example I have recicled but the
garbage truck seal all waste and the big industries pollute without receiving
any penalty.
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