jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

The piece of news: Pre-school of thought!

The piece of news I chose is  about of a program of the "Westminster Children's Society" (WCS); this program is about, a form of combater the racism in the children's, as that was discovered that children’s develop racist thoughts from three years.  How they do? In the classroom the elementary teacher and the children’s turn on the computer and they begin to send instantaneous message to Iceland.  The children’s asking about where are the penguins? Or how is the beef of the shark? This help to the children’s to know about customary of others places and tolerate the is different. 

The WCS runs 15 community nurseries in the London borough of Westminster, this is a fundation social and charitable for this the profits it makes are reinvested in new materials for the community nurseries.
The WCS not only cares of the childrens also of the parents more poor and workers, by providing community nurseries where leave their children meanwhile works Also  provide certified, vocational training to his staff.
Also are financed asking for monthly payment to the parents with more resources for to finance the parents with less resources and single mothers, is as Robin hood “we rob the rich to support the poor"

The parents say:  "There are a few private nurseries in the area, but they're nowhere near as interesting as this one. It's good value for the service. My child's really happy and has developed really well.  

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