jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Future Job!

Though we refuse anyway one day we must work, the university finished and the duty is  to look for job and to enter in the labor camp, in personal form I work  since that leave of school, first in my career of technical in preschool education and   after when enter at the university I began to work as packer in "Homecenter Sodimac"   then work for my not is terrible, more if that is what I like.
 What job would you like to have?
I would like a job in connection with my career, in special way in kindergarten with small children’s or babies and more specific, outside of Santiado, I dream with working in easter island  because I know of the state kindergarten, and their teachers  through a training that was to doing  my teacher, to the teachers of kindergarten and I went as his assistant, I loved of the education intercultural and the childrens very actives.  as well i would like an job  in the extreme north of Chile with a Aymara community  or in the mountain chain of the Andes in the south with  Mapuche community, in generally I wold like to work in revitalizing of the cultures.


the aspects would I consider when choosing my job are: that I permit to be in constant movement, playing with the childrens, exploring  the world,  to work with the parents, never in the classroom with uniformed childrens looking the nape of the mate.
If I were asked in a job interview about my strengths and weaknesses, I would you say that...the weaknesses are that I do not draw very well, I can hardly the English and I think only that. And my strengths are that am very hard-working and when I propose something I get.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Teacher Gabriela Mistral!

Gabriela Mistral is very famous for his poems and receive the Nobel prize of literature the 10 of December of 1945, but I go to write of  Lucila  De Maria Del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga the teacher and her connection with the education.
Gabriela-Lucila born in Vicuña in the north of Chile in a family consisting of her mother Petronila Alcayaga, her father Juan jeronimo Godoy and her half sister fifteen years older Amelina molina. Her father Jeronimo  and her half sister  Emelina were teachers. His father also wrote poems for your small Lucila, with this antecedent we can understand as Lucila-Gabriela developing these talentos that even keep her legacy.  
The first teacher of Lucila-Gabriela and the only teacher in the formal education was her half sister amelinda in the school in the city Montegrande, she her mather and her half sister lived in a house right next at the school, in her prose she write how happy I was in those years.
To the fifteen years his mother says that  to Gabriela that  need help economic that  shall work and how her father and half sister were teacher she also could to be teacher or to teach read and write to the small childrens.    
For its time had an vision very constructivist of the education, she recognized that the childrens have is the centre of learning and that the teacher have to is educate always. She worked in schools of different places of country from Antofagasta to Punta Arenas, Barranca, talcahuano, Coquimbo, also in other countrys how Mexico where was minister of education.
 She was saying that be poet was his lateral trade, that before poet she is teacher.

I care the environment?

Hello in the post today is about the care environment...

Day to day we see how the environment was dirtying by the irresponsibility of many people and industries that not care of the environment and how affect his actions in the planet earth.
Some time ago it has created more conscience of the care of the environment and the naturals resources as for example the water.  Today exist more forms and places where to teach as care the enviroment, for example in my practice in  kindergartens and schools I have seen as the teachers teach to childrens different forms to care of environment and also to  ways of signifying their environment.  I have always recycled because my parents from girl teached me to throw trash in the collector or  save in pocket until arrive to house.

I have always recycled because my parents from girl teached me to throw trash in the collector or  save in pocket until arrive to house. also to separate the paper of the glass and put the peel of the fruit in the plants as fertilizer. I have always used public transport since I have no car, but my mother my was leaving in bike in to the schools and now I use the bike in generally  although I love walk. formally I not belong to none eco-organizations, but always support the causes as " Patagonia without dams" or "Save the Arctic", I go to marches and I signed, but not I have time for join to the organizations because I study and work.

I think in the santiago missing the responsability of the government because for example I have recicled but the garbage truck seal all waste and the big industries pollute without receiving any penalty.