martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Finished the semester!

Is finished the seconds semester, always is very short and the national holiday and other holidays they does more short this semester. in general this semester went not difficult, but  the subject that more I find difficult is English four and I wait for to pass the subject because I suffer all the semester with this subject and  I  would pass the subject already that I would finish English at the university.   

In this semester what I liked most were the video, record me  speaking for two minutes, I It seemed impossible but first I wrote the that  had to say and then I listened the pronunciation and then I learned. Was very entertaining but I had record me single because when someone me recorded I had laugh attack.  With the blogs I discovered that I knowed more than he thought and that I not as difficult to write in English and I discovered I started thinking about English, this was very exciting. 

The aspects I need to improve...I think that even I have difficult with the English above all in the listen the conversations, I have difficulty understand when I speak me, I need to improved this aspects. Recommended me for improve this aspect see television series in English and try understanding of dialogues.

Outside the English class I not used much the English, a somewhat in the computer software and in internet, in the summer I use more the English than in the winter because in the summer holiday I travel  to Easter island to visit my boyfriend and work in the restaurant of her cousin and the tourist generally speak English.
Of all forms in the future I like take a course of the English with more calm and dedication for learn. Of all forms in the future I like take a course of the English with more calm and dedication for learn and fill the emptiness that even I have.

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